Polski Svenska English
Polski Svenska English




PHOTOVOLTAICS PANELS For the installation of heat pumps as a source of cheap, ecological heating of the house no one has to persuade. However, you may be tempted to further reduce your home maintenance costs by supplementing your heat pump with photovoltaic cells that convert your solar energy into electricity.

Real savings through photovoltaics For example in practice: Ground heat pump heating a house of about 150 sqm. and preparing hot water for a 4-person family, it consumes about 4800 kWh of electricity per year. Just about the same power will produce a 5 kWp photovoltaic installation. As the amount of energy produced by the photovoltaic cell is higher in summer and less in winter, the power supply to the heat pump is not equally distributed throughout the year. The solution of this disproportion is the balancing the demand for energy during the year and the half-year accounting period with the electricity board. This means that more electricity produced in the summer will be enough to meet our needs and allow us to transfer surplus electricity to the electricity board, which will deduct them from the energy transferred to us during the winter.


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